As a journalist and photographer, I have found that we can make a huge impact on the world for the better. I am all about trying to capture the heart and change the world with the written word and the lens.
Ann Kagarise Photography
Ann Kagarise Photography
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Friday, December 25, 2009
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
On the path
I have had so much happen in the last couple days. I'm just following God's path. I had a great time with Audrey yesterday. I initially met Audrey and her family through a story, but I have been so blessed by them and am very thankful that they have been brought into my life. Her mother and little Blake have taught me a lot! You can definitely be strong through adversity. I had a great talk today with Charles Powell. He is involved with Joshua's Mission and author Dillon Burroughs. I'm excited because they would like to use me to help them on their new ventures. They like that I am not just a writer, but that I also know the streets. I have worked with women in the jail system and women who have been battered and raped. With my degrees, writing skills, and heart for those who are hurting, they would love for me to jump on board with them. I also heard from a woman who is friends with Lisa McMann, author of Wake, Fade, and Gone. I am very excited about this also because she writes for Simon and Schuster as well. The more contacts I get the better. She liked my article about Lisa that got picked up by the Sanfran Chronicles. That is so awesome! I am very thankful for the path God is sending me on! Keep opening up the doors!
This week, I had to actually sit down and write out a schedule in order to get all my writing done. A great problem!
Monday, December 21, 2009
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Agencies are forming to combat human trafficking in the United States
Human trafficking is real in the United States. Agencies are forming to combat this horrific, tragic, crime against women and children. Please read!
Joe Biden contacts local boy
This article was so much fun to do! I wish I did more of these!! This little boy was in a wax museum and chose to portray Joe Biden. This is so cute!! Biden got wind of it and wrote the little boy. Check this out!
Monday, December 14, 2009
Why people stay in abuse and the cycle of violence
People stay in abuse for many reasons. Fear, lack of resources, and the cycle of violence. Read here.
Controversy at the wall
Veterans have worked hard to make the memorial park in Clinton Ohio. There has been some controversy with a committee member. Here is the article.
Friday, December 11, 2009
Abused? Take your life back!
Abuse can take your life, but you can get it back! Take your life back!
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Human Trafficking in the United States
Actually got to speak with Dillon Burroughs regarding Human trafficking in the United States. I did not realize how prevalent it is in this country and I consider myself a pretty informed person. He shared with me that he read a book from 1910 about human trafficking. I know it has always been, but for some reason it just seems that it is more talked about in the news. I dont know if it is the recent movie, Taken, or the recent murder of young Shanyia Davis, in Florida. Her mother sold her into human trafficking because of a debt. Most of these women and kids are sold into human trafficking for less than a couple hundred bucks. That is it! it is scary! I plan on doing anything I can to hep in this cause. This is one of the saddest things I have heard in this country. I have been through a lot of abuse and helped a lot of women and children who were abused, but this is just an outrage! From my understanding, law enforcement are not really even trained to recognize trafficking rings. They do not know what to do with the victims after they are rescued. Traffickers are often let out on bond and only serve 1-2 years. That just blows me away.
Precious is a gut wrenching movie about abuse
The movie Precious is a must see. I read the book, Push, and it is a very realistic account of sexual abuse, poverty, rejection, and getting lost in the system. Read the book and watch the movie Precious when it comes to your area. I wrote this article on Precious because it is something I really believe in. I think more and more of these movies/books should come out because so many times they are done Hollywood style and it loses the reality behind it. Abuse is a really in your face pain. It is gut-wrenching. It is something that never goes away if you experience it and Precious tells the story in a way that it needs to be told. Here is my article.
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Two kids help the homeless for winter
Two kids help the homeless collecting blankets. They wanted a way that everybody could give. They came up with Operation Blanket. The blankets will be delivered soon. Check out this article.
Writing opportunities
As a writer and a counselor, I am thankful to be able to write for as the Abusive Relationship Examiner. I have been writing as the Young Adult Literature Examiner and as I continued to write for this, I found myself drawn toward books that would help people who are hurting. I always try to gear my articles with a message. I had someone I wrote a story about this year come to me and tell me that they were moved to tears and it was the best story they had ever written. I had someone come to me and tell me that the reason they want me to cover this breaking story is because they trust me. That is the way it should be as a journalist. We are placed in positions where we can help people and we should not misuse that power. I cannot tell you how thrilled to get this recent position. I have wanted a place to write about abuse and how people can get help. On this site, I can write anything and everything pertaining to abuse and lead individuals toward resources, links, books, and helps. I am also starting to work with Joshua's Mission, a Christian organization that fights human trafficking. I will be writing for them. I am very excited about this venture also and hope to help in anyway I can. Thank you God for giving me the opportunities.
To Write Love on her Arms founder honored by MTV
To write love on her arms founder honored by MTV. Check out the article.
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
A writer without a tape recorder
I have never looked 10 hours for anything in my life...but my tape recorder. My digital tape recorder is a part of my life blood. A writer without her tape recorder is like a dentist without a drill or a swimmer without water. I guess I could have resorted to chalk and pavement or slate and rock, but I really did not want to. What drove me the most was the fact that I had three interviews on there that I desperately needed. I finally gave up and went out and bought another one, but to my old tape's on! I will find you and hunt you down. You will be mine!
Give the gift of love during this holiday season
Give the gift of a book. Give the gift of love! Make a difference in a child's life. Link.
Friday, November 20, 2009
Human Trafficking in the United States. Report from CNN
Trafficking happening in the United States. CNN reports.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
My second book I'm writing
I have been working on my second book, Shadow. I wrote several pages today and it just flowed! I'm so excited about this young adult fiction novel! It is a huge part of me! I cannot wait until it gets picked up. It reads very similar to a lot of books that are out there, but yet it is very unique! I have already written the query and am praying that it does get picked up. I have been going into our local Borders. I go right to the young adult section and picture my book there. I really believe in this book!
Using writing for God's purposes
I have been writing and interviewing around the clock. I am very thankful for the opportunities that come my way. This week I was able to view adoptions, interview the Executive director of Children's services, the executive director of Haven of Rest, the people from Joshua's Mission, and Stigma. I am very blessed to have so many connections and God is opening up more and more doors all the time. I might have the chance to write a column for Joshua's Mission. I would absolutely love to do this because if I can help in the fight against human trafficking, even on a small scale, I will be so humbled! I also have the opportunity to go to DC with other fellow rape conceived people. I am just excited about all the opportunities I am given as a writer. I would not have these if God did not allow me to be in this position. I am very thankful! I hope that I am able to help in any way I can!
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Get free tickets to a New Moon screening
Blockbuster has teamed up with New Moon. Get free tickets to a private screening.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Book about self-worth creates two authors to walk across California for Domestic Violence and homelessness
Two authors walk across California for a cause. Just make it Happen is a book about changing your life by changing your thoughts. Great article about what these two are doing for Domestic Violence and Homelessness.
the child who lived 39 minutes and the group that helps
Children die tragically. This group helps give markers to the families. All money goes toward the markers. Plus a great story about a baby who lived 39 minutes.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Top 10 teen books are about to be revealed
Breaking Dawn, Wake, Bloodline, and Evermore are some of the books teens are voting for.
The top 10 books will be revealed during teen right to read week October 18-24.
Friday, October 9, 2009
A tear
About 30 minutes ago, I found out the unthinkable. What do you do with information like that. I have no idea. I always keep my blog for professional reasons. I really never write personal things. Sometimes, I just feel the need to. I'm like in shock really. In August, I found my sister on facebook. I was pumped!! About an hour after we spoke, I found out my brother Chuck had passed away 4 years ago and my father wasnt my father probably. At least the one I had thought was all these years. David. I just found out that I am a product of a rape and that my mom has not wanted me because I am a reminder. Wow. What do you do with that? I have no reaction. I have never had a tear come to my eyes at the same time I find something out. Never. I never cry. But a tear instantly came in my eyes. I never in a million years thought I was a product of rape and my mom sees me as a bad reminder. It is what it is. But wow...I have to process this. Ironically, I am writing a book. A fiction young adult book. In the book I talk about what if...what if someone is a product of rape...not even knowing this information. A tear...that is all I have. A tear. One day the tears will flow. One day I will cry.
My sister describes herself and her personality and it is exactly like mine. Wow. That is actually nice to know that I am like someone. We look alike and act alike. I'm not sure if that is good or But in all of this, I have to be thankful.
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Becoming a butterfly
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Friday, September 25, 2009
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Monday, September 21, 2009
my photography
i have been hired for quite a few photo shoots. If you are interested, I am available!
Friday, September 18, 2009
New Moon is coming out check out these companion pieces
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Monday, September 14, 2009
Friday, September 11, 2009
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
We are called to hold our hands against the wounds of a broken world
The book Purpose for the Pain is a book from To WRite Love on Her Arms. Read this review about this inspired book.
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Friday, August 28, 2009
This is old...
This is an old article about me when I helped get a house for Jessie Davis' family. She was killed last a couple years ago, in our area. As a jounralist, I had the chance to help instead of add heartach to the family.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Tricks by Ellen Hopkins
When choice is taken, survival is the only option. What teens will do for love when adults fail.
Monday, August 24, 2009
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Monday, August 17, 2009
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Friday, August 14, 2009
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Can you say Kristen Stewart, Bella from Twilight?
She actually made a comment on my Examiner page. I have been covering the movie, New Moon, and she actually read my article and made a comment. I know I'm not acting very professional right now, but who I'm excited! I think it's cool! That means the word is out! I'm glad to be able to reach an audience! In the last 2 days a lone, I have had several thousand views so I'm excited!
Thanks all for reading!
Thanks all for reading!
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Monday, August 10, 2009
Sunday, August 9, 2009
I normally do not get personal on here. This is pretty much strictly professional. the last 24 hours has been a whirlwind for me. I found my sister. I have been looking for her for years. I have wanted to have a relationship with her for such a long time, like all my life. Circumstances separated us and we were not raised together. We have had a lot of missed years. I knew that she was out there and I wanted to find her and I did--on facebook. Wow. I put her name in and she just came up and there she was. Her picture was right in front of me. I knew it was her the second I saw her eyes. My niece was with her and I just saw how beautiful she was.
I was very excited about this, but then about an hour later, I found out the brother I idolized growing up that I had also lost contact with, had died 4 years ago. I was so sad. I absolutely loved Chuck. I know I did not have a long life with him or anything, but I still loved him very much! He was my brother! My full blooded, I thought/think, biological brother.
Then about 5 minutes later, I found out that maybe the dad I thought was my dad all these years, may not be my dad. It is between 3 different men. Will the right sperm donor please stand This has been crazy!
But I am very happy that I have been able to talk to my sister and start a relationship with her that should have been all along!
I really do not know what even tomorrow will bring, but I know that today I have a sister. A sister, I didnt have yesterday. She wrote on her facebook today that she is excited to have hooked up with me and she wont let me down like our mom did. That really touched me! I dont even know what to say about that. That is so special to me! That is probably one of the nicest things that have come out of this, so far!
I have gone through my life feeling so mixed up about family. I really do have a family now that I absolutely cherish. The Gearharts are a Godsend to me!!! But I have searched and searched for a connection. A biological connection where I belong, where I know for certain I am one of them. To even just look at them and see that our eyes are the same or know that I look like so and so in the family. I have sat around many families where they say comments like, "oh, you look just like Uncle Bob," or whatever. This was so nice to look at someone and say, you look like me.
I am very thankful right now to be able to say that. She even said that we might be full sisters because of how much we look alike. We really do. I could lose a little, but she just gave me an incentive!!!
I look like someone. I have a biological sister that is claiming me as her sister. That is a great feeling!
I was very excited about this, but then about an hour later, I found out the brother I idolized growing up that I had also lost contact with, had died 4 years ago. I was so sad. I absolutely loved Chuck. I know I did not have a long life with him or anything, but I still loved him very much! He was my brother! My full blooded, I thought/think, biological brother.
Then about 5 minutes later, I found out that maybe the dad I thought was my dad all these years, may not be my dad. It is between 3 different men. Will the right sperm donor please stand This has been crazy!
But I am very happy that I have been able to talk to my sister and start a relationship with her that should have been all along!
I really do not know what even tomorrow will bring, but I know that today I have a sister. A sister, I didnt have yesterday. She wrote on her facebook today that she is excited to have hooked up with me and she wont let me down like our mom did. That really touched me! I dont even know what to say about that. That is so special to me! That is probably one of the nicest things that have come out of this, so far!
I have gone through my life feeling so mixed up about family. I really do have a family now that I absolutely cherish. The Gearharts are a Godsend to me!!! But I have searched and searched for a connection. A biological connection where I belong, where I know for certain I am one of them. To even just look at them and see that our eyes are the same or know that I look like so and so in the family. I have sat around many families where they say comments like, "oh, you look just like Uncle Bob," or whatever. This was so nice to look at someone and say, you look like me.
I am very thankful right now to be able to say that. She even said that we might be full sisters because of how much we look alike. We really do. I could lose a little, but she just gave me an incentive!!!
I look like someone. I have a biological sister that is claiming me as her sister. That is a great feeling!
Friday, August 7, 2009
Wake. Fade. Gone.
The book, Gone, by Lisa McMann, is due out soon. The cover has been released.
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
An experience I wouldnt normally have
As a reporter, many times, you have the opportunity to do things you wouldnt normally do. Tonight was one of those times. I had to cover the breast cancer survivor, dragon boaters. I just went to cover it and here, they took me on the boat with them. They paddled me around the Portage Lakes and what a glorious night it was. Very peacful! Like they say, when they are out there, it is not about breast cancer. It is about living!
Monday, August 3, 2009
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Top young adult audiobooks!
These are great great hears...
They really are awesome!
I didnt know about some of them until I did this research!
Check them out!
They really are awesome!
I didnt know about some of them until I did this research!
Check them out!
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Monday, July 27, 2009
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Friday, July 24, 2009
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Friday, July 17, 2009
Okay God
Now, all I did was say lead me into a different direction, open up the doors of opportunity and bam, they are just coming like crazy! It's all about the message. That is the most important part of the whole thing! It's all about the person I'm able to write about. The Vietnam Veterans and their contribution. Now, I'm asked to help write a book about kids with cancer. These are all blessings! I am the one that is blessed! If He allows me to go around Ohio interviewing families whose kids had cancer or have These kids have so much wisdom. They 'GET it.' They understand what is important. And to get the opportunity to convey their thoughts and beliefs in their words on the writte page is such an extremely great honor. I'm very thankful! I pray that this does go through! What a great experience! The kids have lessons to teach all of us! And I want to hear it! And write it! To put their faces with their words on a page so they can get their wisdom out for all to hear is a gift! Wow!
When it rains, it pours good! I'm so excited! I did a complete photo shoot for the Ohio Vietnam Wall Memorial that opened this year. I have been asked to do all their photos! What an honor, really! I look at that as a complete blessing! I'm going out there tomorrow to do a shoot 2 different times for vets. Also, yesterday was an amazing experience. I always consider it a blessing to be invited into a situation that I have no business being there just because I am a reporter. I have was asked back to Camp Quality this year. It is a camp to allow kids with cancer to be kids again. The director always has such a great heart and is so inviting to me. She leads me to some of the toughest situations and allows me to sit down with these kids. Two years ago, I was able to sit down with a 17-year-old that died only 3 months after our interview. I learn so much from these kids! I appreciate very much Kerri, the director, and all they do at Camp Quality! After that experience, I came home and I was chilling around a fire outside. There were seven kids at my house going crazy!! They were swimming and running around, eating all my Then, my neighbor showed me the humming bird hanging around its nest in the tree. I grabbed my camera and captured one of the best photos I have ever seen. This one I'm selling!!! This is an amazing picture of the humming bird in its nest! Talk about blessings! It was an end to a perfect day!
Sunday, July 12, 2009
I have already submitted 2 posts to the Examiner. I did a review on the book, Tweak and I did a piece on the website If you have a parent of a young adult or are one, you need to check this site out. My posts will have a variety of local literary interests, sites, and activites as well as many national ones. The was one thing that really did disturb me, however. I went into their diary section. This allows teens/young adults to express themselves. They can talk about anything that may be on their minds and just about all of the posts had to do with self-harm and drug addiction. One girl just came out withe subject reading: Help! She put I am a cutter and I am going to commit suicide! I hope they were able to help her.
This shows me how sad our young adults are. Young adult literature shows the state of our young adults. It is scary. I believe that they feel abandoned and are deeply hurting. You can see the fears in their writing. Go on this site and check it out. Read some blogs of some young adults. Go on my space or other social networking sites and see what they are telling the world. It really is scary.
This shows me how sad our young adults are. Young adult literature shows the state of our young adults. It is scary. I believe that they feel abandoned and are deeply hurting. You can see the fears in their writing. Go on this site and check it out. Read some blogs of some young adults. Go on my space or other social networking sites and see what they are telling the world. It really is scary.
Saturday, July 11, 2009
It's Official
I am an Examiner. I'm excited about this new writing adventure. I am officially the Cleveland Young Adult Literature Examiner. I will add the link to my blog soon. I should start to be published by mid-week. If you know me at all, you know that I am a young adult literature junkie. I am either writing them or reading them. I have been working on a young adult book for quite awhile now. Unfortunately, I have not had much time to work on it, but I am changing that. As my kids go back to school in about a month, I am going to be devoting most of my time to working on my book and writing about young adult books and entertainment. I love the job they offered me. I finished my first piece and am working on my second. I am going to have many links for teens, their parents, and teachers. The links have to do with, of course, literature and entertainment, but also I will be writing about issues that teens face today. I will also be providing local and national resources to help.
Saturday, July 4, 2009
A Cancer Center with a Heart
Cancer can be scary and lonely. At the moment of diagnosis, Stewart's will come along side and be a friend.
Monday, June 15, 2009
A Mom bird feeding its baby!

This is one of the most beautiful pictures I have ever had the chance to take, right outside by kitchen window! I absolutely have been thrilled that they placed their home right outside my window. I have been watching every second the mom has been sitting on the egg, and now feeding her young one! What an exciting experience that she is sharing with us!!!
Saturday, June 13, 2009
The White House Boys by Roger Kiser

The White House Boys is a tough read, but it is hard to put down. I had no idea a place like this, even existed. I came across this book and decided to just see what it was and before I knew it, I was half way through it. You can read this book in just a few hours, but it is very informative. The men in this story are in their 60's now, but the actual White House, where the beatings took place, was just sealed in 2008. The White House was part of a correctional facility where they sent kids who basically had no parents or were sold out. They were basically throwaways. Nobody wanted them. If one died, it would have gone unnoticed. There are many unmarked graves that sit behind this house becuase many children died there. They are unmarked because they did not even know their names. This is real! This is not a made up story at all. As soon as I read the book, I did research, and I found out a great deal of information about this place. The survivors are still just trying to make it through life because of the horrific abuse they went through. If interested, google, The White House Boys and find out more about them. There are videos, news clips, and you can buys this book to read the accounts of boys who are now men who are just trying to survive day to day.
Nobody's Child by Michael Seed

Nobody's Child is a book about a boy who was adopted into a highly abusive home. The best part about the book is this boy, who knew nothing from adults but pain, became a Catholic Priest to the stars and British royalty. He chose to be different and not become what happened to him! It is a must read! It is a fast read! When I put this book down, I felt empowered. You do not have to allow the bad things that happen to you, take you down. You can become something pretty terrific and really make a difference in people's lives no matter what your past is!
Friday, June 12, 2009
George Sisler Memorial Stadium
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Friday, May 29, 2009
A Memorial is erected in Ohio for fallen soldiers
What a day! What a sight! 7000 bikers. One Cause!
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Back at the wall
I went back to the Ohio Vietnam Wall today. I looked around and what a sight! People. People. and more people. What a sight to see. Motorcyclists filed in and filled the park. There were so many people who came into to see the great Ohio monument! Ohio has really added a great memorial. Memorial Wall people, who put this together, Chell, Ken, and the others...I salute you!!!
Friday, May 22, 2009
Monday, May 18, 2009
Radio show
Number 3. I have now been on the radio three times. That is so much fun. It is all about the cause though. I talked to the people from the Vietnam Wall Memorial in Ohio and we are getting a book together with all the proceeds going to the Wall. They need to build a reflecting pool and thats it. We need to do it! So, I will help. The cool thing is, Matt Patrick from our local radio show is going to help too. So, we need to get on the ball with this. Like yesterday! hopefully we find the right people who can help!!! Pray!
Sunday, May 17, 2009
God moving
I always say I have the best job in the world because I consider myself on the frontlines of stories because I am a reporter. People take me into their lives at their most vulnerable times. I am able to write the story in a way that reaches the heart and people respond. God does it. It is not me. I want to make that clear right from the start. I dont think it is anything I do except for the fact that I am a willing vessel to write the words that God wants me to. He gives me the storeis that he wants me to have and I watch him move all the time! I am very thankful! I found out today that a story I was involved in writing, touched a church and they responded. They voted and gave a generous amount of money to this family. That is what it is all about! I am very thankful and blessed to be a part of such experiences. I thank God every day for using me!
An Amazing experience
I spent the day with Vietnam Vets from all over the country. Most of them were from the heartland, but they rode in from all over on motorcycles. I have over 180 pictures showing this incredible experience. Men who had never been honored, were. Women whose sons died in the war were able to speak for them, cry for their death, and kneel by a statue dedicated in their name. A wall with 3095 names engraved on it became a reality today for so many. A sea of leather and motorcycles lined the streets in Clinton, Ohio. A town known for not too much. Maybe the Ohio Erie Canal that runs through, but other than that, not a whole lot. This town came together on this beautiful blue skied day and paid tribute to those fallen so we can have the country that we have today. They had noses snubbed at them and mothers were not given the respect to be told face to face that their son had been killed in combat. Those days are gone. Those in the Iraq/Afghanistan war are treated much differently, but partly due to those who have gone before. Those from the Vietnam War came home and decided that nobody would ever be treated the way they were. I was in awe and I looked over the acres of those full of tattoos, long hair, and leather and I knew that those were the ones who came home. They were willing ot die for us, but they did come home and all of them say they would do it again. All of them. If they were asked to go back today, they would. We need to give them the honor they deserve!
Saturday, May 16, 2009

Tweak is an incredible book written by, author, Nic Sheff. He, and his father, David, have written books about Nic's addiction to Meth. His journey has been a roller coaster ride. Nic allows the reader to go into his journey on the streets of addiction and personally witness his pain, suffering, and self-mutiliation. He does things he never would have done clean. He allowed himself to be less than human for a drug. It is a long book, but worth the read. My 14-year-old read it and absolutely loved it. She could not put it down and said all teens should read this to know what drugs can do. I will definitely go back to parts of this book. He takes a person into his therapy and what he needed to do to grow, heal, and face some deep, deep issues. If you would like to know more about Nic Sheff, go to He has a new blog that you can follow about his every day recovery.
Boy from the Basement

I just finished listening to the audiobook by Susan Shaw. I have not been able to read it because I am either writing or mowing, etc., but I couldn't stop listening. This is a book that takes you into the life of a child that was kept in a basement for 12 years and did not even know what a birthday was. He did not know his age and was scared to death of the outside. He did not know what Christmas or Thanksgiving was and what it meant to be in a family. It is a must read! I absolutely loved how Susan Shaw went into the mind of this child!
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
I dont know about you...
but I am very much into American Idol. I absolutely cannot wait to find out what Adam is going to do the next week. I even got American Idol tickets for when they go on tour. My girls dont know it yet...shhhh...but they will be so excited. More people vote for American Idol contestants than they do the president of the United States. There is more excitement behind this and other reality shows than what our government is doing. I find that scary, but then again, like I told a friend of mine, that is why I choose to lose my self in a young adult book or watch the cartoon channel. Go to the days of my youth and forget about the craziness of what is going on outside by window. I choose to believe that the Flinstones are in charge and that the biggest problem we have is Wile E Coyote is still chasing Road Runner. I think I just saw that cat run after Tweetie...Wouldnt that be a great So, I watch American Idol and read and write adult books and help take people away, even for a short time
Monday, May 11, 2009
Cancer center love and a robbery all in one day
I spent the morning at a facility that helps individuals who have been touched by cancer. They started it around a kitchen table and now it is a 8000 square foot organization that changes lives. They help children and adults who have been impacted by the disease. The woman who told me about it had brain cancer and her husband died of brain cancer. Yes, they actually had the same cancer. Strange. Makes you wonder. Anyway, the lady I am speaking about was given a couple years to live and she is still here, seven years later. She is very active as a volunteer at the cancer center I am talking about. There were tears, hope, and healing. I was very blessed to interview them today.
I left there, to interview some individuals who were robbed. A man just came into their store with a knife and took very little money. A friend of mine stated to me that our economy is going to lead to more crimes like this. I did hear a report that more people are committing crimes. People who were hard working regular family type people. Not the normal type of person who would do a crime like that. I just dont understand why someone, no matter what condition they are in, would take from another and especially do it in fear. I alway ask my kids when they take something that doesnt belong to them, "Was it yours?" "Did you ask?" Then dont touch it. Maybe somebody didnt tell this man this boundary growing up.
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Family adopts Ukraine girls
A great mother's day story
Friday, May 8, 2009
I am currently reading the book, Tweak, by Nic Sheff. An incredible writer who is not afraid to show who he really is. As an addict/alcoholic, myself, I really appreciate his honesty and am challenged to be just as transparent. So many times, we are afraid to show people who we really are. Especially at church. I call it the Sunday morning parking lot wave. We are arguing or putting ourselves together all the way to church, but as soon as we hit that parking lot, we assume the parking lot wave that could it is also very similar to one on a queen's float or someone who has just been crowned Miss America. We put our masks on and go into the church building. We sing the songs. We listen to the preacher. We socialize with those we want to, then we leave arguing all the way home. Are we being real? Are we being real to God? Who are we really? How do we want others to see us. You know, we all argue. We all have issues. We all have a history. And Im not sure which one of us has the most baggage, but im pretty sure, it is All I know is none of us is without sin. Im pretty sure that it says that somewhere in the Bible. Im very thankful for those who are real!
The good news is out there
I am very honored to have the job of a journalist. Today, I spoke with a woman whose daughter died at the age of 3 from brain cancer. She is allowing me to tell her story. She exemplified so much strength. She turned it around and is helping other families whose kids have cancer. I am also doing another story on a house for those who have been diagnosed with cancer. A doctor had passed away from the disease and family and friends decided to set up a house with emotional and spiritual support. They have counseling, and groups for kids, crafts, and activities. I spent last week with veterans who completely put up a wall for Vietnam Vets. The wall is 125 feet long and complete granite with more the the 3095 names who died in the war. They are working around the clock getting the wall up for veternas and their families to come for closure. I was able to do an article on a boy who is paralyzed. The family is a pillar of strength and the boy has so much hope. People have stepped up from all over to help the boy.
I was stopped by a couple people in the last week, thanking me for the artcles that I write. There is so much bad news out there, it is really nice to report the good stories. There really is a lot of good happening out there. The stories need to be told more.
Thanks for reading!
I was stopped by a couple people in the last week, thanking me for the artcles that I write. There is so much bad news out there, it is really nice to report the good stories. There really is a lot of good happening out there. The stories need to be told more.
Thanks for reading!
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Monday, April 13, 2009
Monday, April 6, 2009
I spent an amazing afternoon with a family with a great deal of faith in spite of their obstacles. One of the perks to being a reporter is being able to meet so many great people. I love that they sit down with me and tell me their stories. I had prayed about getting an Easter story and God really did come through. I think everyone will really love it. I think it really tells shows the real meaning of Easter. So many times we get into the hype of the Easter bunny and candy and Christ gets lost. The little girl's name in the story is Abby. She is 6 years old and her mom has a rare blood disorder and her dad was just diagnosed with ALS. I appreciated them sitting down with me. If you are interested in reading his blog, you can go to Bill, the father with ALS, is actually writing a childrens book on a child with downs Syndrome, just like Abby. I am looking forward to reading it.
Today, I also wrote a piece on a woman who lost 50 pounds rowing. She was an inspiriation to me and it makes me want to row! She says its for everyone! I know I could lose about a good 10-15.
I also covered a news story. A 21 year old man went into our local school district and impersonated an officer with a loaded weapon. He was sentenced to one year. I spoke with the superintendant regarding the matter.
I also had to talk to what seems to be the mother of the I am doing a mother's day feature. She has 8 children that she home schools and she has one on the way.
And tomorrow, I am covering a story at a mission center where they holding an all day event for Take a loved one to the doctor day. It is a nation wide event. Should be a good read.
So, I'm all done for the day!
Today, I also wrote a piece on a woman who lost 50 pounds rowing. She was an inspiriation to me and it makes me want to row! She says its for everyone! I know I could lose about a good 10-15.
I also covered a news story. A 21 year old man went into our local school district and impersonated an officer with a loaded weapon. He was sentenced to one year. I spoke with the superintendant regarding the matter.
I also had to talk to what seems to be the mother of the I am doing a mother's day feature. She has 8 children that she home schools and she has one on the way.
And tomorrow, I am covering a story at a mission center where they holding an all day event for Take a loved one to the doctor day. It is a nation wide event. Should be a good read.
So, I'm all done for the day!
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Answer to prayer
I gave myself a noon deadline or I guess you could say I gave God a noon deadline. I have 6 articles assigned and I had to find an Easter story. I had no idea where to start, but I got the word out. I let churches and friends know. At 11:00 a.m., I said okay, I'm going to get this story by noon. I will find an uplifting story that truly tells the meaning of Easter for the newspaper. At 11:50, the phone rings and a pastor called and said, "I have an Easter story for you." I didnt even think about it, but I hung up the phone, called the story contacts, talked to them, set up a meeting time so I could make deadline. I looked up at the clock and it was noon. I absolutely could not believe it! I thanked God on this one!
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
What people are looking for in a church
Part 3 of a series I'm working about churches
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Church series part 2
I'm doing a series on thriving churches. The small church vs. the mega church. Check it out.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Barbie is 50 and I'm embarrassed
This would be an article about Barbie...with a picture of me opening her Thank you to my wonderful editor...She really is great!...
Sunday, March 8, 2009

Yes! I am one of the slow ones. So many people have been talking about the Twilight series and I don't know why I didnt jump right on board, but I didnt. I finally read the first book and even though there are 500 pages, it read very fast. It is a great read! I loved the story and the intensity of the book at times. I love the relationship between Edward and Bella. Edward is surpringly soft and loving in a scary, Vampire way. I like the way he teases her, but is over-protective. He would do anything for her including die if he had to live without her. Very well written book! I'm currently starting the second one, New Moon. I am very excited about reading it because I know we are going to watch her transition into the undead. Kudos!
Mega Church vs. Small Church
I'm writing a 4-part series on the mega church vs. small. Large churches are moving into our area in leaps and bounds. There are more and more people not going to church so how are these churches filling up their pews? What is the draw? What works? What doesnt?
Top preachers, including Alister Begg, weighed in on the topic.
Top preachers, including Alister Begg, weighed in on the topic.
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Schools on the offense
A piece I wrote on what schools are doing to secure safety.
Monday, February 23, 2009
Safe by Susan Shaw

This is an incredible book about a young girl who was raped. The book is not graphic, but it does show you how a life can change in a blink of an eye. It describes her vulnerablity, isolation, and fears after one tragic event and how her friends did everything they could to help her. Great read and very fast!
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Friday, February 20, 2009
I am totally having one of those ADD days. I am very busy, but I am geting nothing accomplished. I had plans on working on my book, working on my article, and networking. Well, I have not accomplished any of that. I think the problem is, I cannot tell you how bad my sinuses are today. They are bothering me to the point that it is even hard to look out my eyes. We have had so many pressure systems move through Ohio and I think they are going directly through my head. When the weather changes, my brain shifts. I swear it does. So, today, I have to to give myself a pat on the back for being the best Ann I can be, even though I got nothing accomplished that I wanted to. The day is not over yet. Back to getting nothing done.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Totally Blonde!
I cannot believe what I just did! I drove in my driveway, the way I always do when I get home. I went into my garage. I opened my car door, locked it and got out. I then realized that my keys were still not only in the car, but still in the ignition. The car was still running. Do you know how embarrassing it is to have to call the police and say, "Um...I locked my keys in the car and it's still on."
I hope I never do that again! It was funny though! I cant wait to tell my kids when they get home.
I hope I never do that again! It was funny though! I cant wait to tell my kids when they get home.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
I'm home and He is carrying me!
Last year was a tough year for us. There were 5 people who we knew pretty well who passed away. Very, very difficult. Last October, my adopted mom died. It was probably one of the hardest things I have ever had to go through in my life Watching her pass away was difficult, but I think the fact that she suffered so greatly made it even worse. I have been with people who have died, but never suffered to that extent. First thing this morning, I received a phone call from a friend whose husband passed away a year ago today. That was the beinning of our bad year last year. He was only 42. He had a massive heart attack at such a young age. We were talking about the year we had last year. I really pray that we have a much better one this year.
Mary was my adopted mom's name and she was diagnosed with leukemia last July. We actually thought she would live quite awhile with it, but it turned into a very fast aggressive leukemia, overnight. She was fine one day and she developed a pneumonia. She went into the hospital and she never came home. She went from the senior floor to the cancer floor, and finally to the palliative floor. They were absolutely amazing. I had never been on a floor where you are sent to die. That is the sole purpose of the doctors and nurses there. They are to help your dying experience be as pain free and stress free as possible. Unfortunately, nothing they did, took her pain away. The more pain medicine they gave her, the worse pain she was in. She had this leukemic bone pain that they say gets them in the core of their bone and nothing touches it. They were right. She could not be touched. At 81, it saddened me that she had to undergo such pain. Her last day, I watched blood form in the corner of her mouth. I ran to get the nurses. They rushed in and started to suction her, but the bleeding got worse. She had no platlettes. She had no ability to clot so bleeding was inevitable. Her lungs filled up. There was nothing they could do. I do not think I have ever felt more helpless. If you see someone suffering, you want to help them. We had to just let it happen. I had to get my daughter who was sleeping in the next room. She did not want to be there when she passed away so I let her sleep. She didnt even want to touch her after she was gone. The funny thing that happened was, we had a balloon tied to the end of her bed. She loved the little Footprints verse. It was so appropriate for what she/we were going through. We all felt that God was carrying us during that difficult time. I simply untied the balloon after her passing and carried it to the car. I had to stop for gas. It was the middle of the night. Out of nowhere, a gust of wind came from the inside of my car and carried the balloon up, up, and away. I mean literally. I looked and did not see it. My daughter got out of the car and she didnt see it either. At first I was mad! "I cant even have that," I said as I slammed the car door. I quickly realized that she needed it. She wanted her balloon. That was the sign that my daughter asked for. She said, "Grandma, when you get to heaven, let us know." She did. That was her way of saying, "I'm here and He is carrying me."
Mary was my adopted mom's name and she was diagnosed with leukemia last July. We actually thought she would live quite awhile with it, but it turned into a very fast aggressive leukemia, overnight. She was fine one day and she developed a pneumonia. She went into the hospital and she never came home. She went from the senior floor to the cancer floor, and finally to the palliative floor. They were absolutely amazing. I had never been on a floor where you are sent to die. That is the sole purpose of the doctors and nurses there. They are to help your dying experience be as pain free and stress free as possible. Unfortunately, nothing they did, took her pain away. The more pain medicine they gave her, the worse pain she was in. She had this leukemic bone pain that they say gets them in the core of their bone and nothing touches it. They were right. She could not be touched. At 81, it saddened me that she had to undergo such pain. Her last day, I watched blood form in the corner of her mouth. I ran to get the nurses. They rushed in and started to suction her, but the bleeding got worse. She had no platlettes. She had no ability to clot so bleeding was inevitable. Her lungs filled up. There was nothing they could do. I do not think I have ever felt more helpless. If you see someone suffering, you want to help them. We had to just let it happen. I had to get my daughter who was sleeping in the next room. She did not want to be there when she passed away so I let her sleep. She didnt even want to touch her after she was gone. The funny thing that happened was, we had a balloon tied to the end of her bed. She loved the little Footprints verse. It was so appropriate for what she/we were going through. We all felt that God was carrying us during that difficult time. I simply untied the balloon after her passing and carried it to the car. I had to stop for gas. It was the middle of the night. Out of nowhere, a gust of wind came from the inside of my car and carried the balloon up, up, and away. I mean literally. I looked and did not see it. My daughter got out of the car and she didnt see it either. At first I was mad! "I cant even have that," I said as I slammed the car door. I quickly realized that she needed it. She wanted her balloon. That was the sign that my daughter asked for. She said, "Grandma, when you get to heaven, let us know." She did. That was her way of saying, "I'm here and He is carrying me."
Sunday, February 15, 2009
A writer's desk...
Writers have talked about where they like to write. I personally love to write at our local Borders. I love to drink coffee, coffee, and more coffee. It is only 50 cents for a refill. I love being surrounded by people, but being so zoned out that I dont even notice No, really, there are times that I really dont even remember that I'm there. I find myself in this writing mode and do not even notice that the person sitting across from me is staring at me. As soon as I look up, they look away as if they were looking out the window or at another person in deep thought. I love being surrounded by books while I'm writing a book. I go into the Young Adult section and look around. I read some of the works of published authors and get a feel for what is out there. I absolutely love YA books. My kids read them, but I steal their books to catch a peek.
I have a 'desk' set up in my house just for my writing, but I have found that no matter where I am, if you just give me a computer, I'm good. I can settle for a pen and paper, but that doesnt last long. I'm spoiled.
I have a 'desk' set up in my house just for my writing, but I have found that no matter where I am, if you just give me a computer, I'm good. I can settle for a pen and paper, but that doesnt last long. I'm spoiled.
Thanks to those who have gone before...
I have decided in order for this writing thing to spread, I really have to get the contacts. I have written for a newspaper for 4 years and I have written a non-fiction book, but I really am looking to get my young adult book out there. The only way I can make this work is to presevere! I am not giving up! I have learned so much in just the last couple weeks. I am a journalist. That is what I know well. I have also authored a non-fiction book., too. I have some great young adult works in the making and I need to continue to make contacts until the right one works. I believe that it is all about timing and that God will make it work! I appreciate all the blogs from others that are in the business. I am reading as many as I can in order to learn every possible thing I can about the business. I can accept rejection and I will do whatever it takes. My big problem right now is making time for my book. I literally write all day, but this week I wrote for the newspaper every day. It was very demanding and interfered with my book writing. My book is a priority.
I am so thankful for those who have paved a path. I'm watching and learning!
Thank you!
I am so thankful for those who have paved a path. I'm watching and learning!
Thank you!
Saturday, February 14, 2009
My doggy
The last 24 hours has been really tough! I absolutely love my dog Missy! She is my world. I know that probably sounds extreme, but I really do love her so much! I have had her 12 hard years. She has always been there and loved me through some pretty difficult times! I dont know what happened. I just got back from covering a story, and she just looked really funny. The next thing I know, she is shaking. For about 10 minutes, I tried to help her through whatever it was. I called the vet and said we are on our way. She was fine after awhile. They said her lungs are filled with fluid. I saw the Xray and there is not much air in there. Wow! They put her on lasix. Im not sure how that is spelled. I have to look that up, but it is a water pill. She is much better today, but I did not leave her side for almost 24 hours. I had to leave to go to Cleveland and it was a tough leave. My 13-year-old is sitting with her. She is the next thing to mommy. So right now, Im in Cleveland, but my heart is with my baby, Missy!
Friday, February 13, 2009
The gift of being a journalist/writer
I have the best life. I so enjoy interviewing people and then conveying their stories in the written word. What an honor! I have interviewed people whose family members have just past away and they let me in their homes to share their pain. I have done 11 interviews this week already and I have another one today. As an established writer in the area, it is nice to know that people trust me! That is so important! Journalism, so often, has a left a bad taste in people's mouths, but those behind the pen, many times, really do care! I always look at the person I writing about as a gift before me. I want to be trusted and tell their stories in a way that will help them and the people reading! Having a platform is a huge responsibility. You can really hurt a lot of people who help. It is up to the journalist. I really hope that today I have enough time to work on my book. First thing in the morning I have to get my 2 daughters to school and I have so much to do in the day. I really need to make my YA book a priority! I need to write on it every day! I have deadlines in my own head. I want to keep those goals!
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Working on my YA book
I am currently writing a young adult book. I have never done this before, but I have been spending quite a bit of time in the young adult section. I also have the mentality of a young adult so I totally can write that way. This has been one of my favorite works! My only problem right now is that I simply have not had time to work on it. I really need to find time to work on it every day. Oh, I'm writing every day, but I really want to work on this book! I also have 2 kids who are in middle school. They are reading my book and absolutely love it! I am so pumped about this! I definitely have to make time to work on it!
Stories, stories, and more stories
Today was a pretty crazy day! I spent the entire day on the phone interviewing for the paper. I am working on three different stories. I am going to spend the next few days writing and writing!! I have deadlines. I had a lot of great interviews today. One of the stories I'm working on is the megachurch vs. the smaller church. I spoke with many pastors. One pastor that I interviewed today was Alister Begg. He is from the Truth for Life radio program on 1100 stations across the country. He had quite an insight on the health of the church, today. This will be a great piece when it is all done. I am also working on a piece for dads in the schools. Moms are always in the school, but there is a program called The Watchdog program. Dads go in to the school, spend the day with their child, help protect the school, and help anyone who needs help. This is sort of like the men's PTA. Cool thing. I interviewed 3 people for this piece. I also interviewed a woman who is involved in an organization called Springtime of Hope. They help the homeless and the hurting in the Appalacian mountains. A great ministry.
These are all great stories and I have a lot of work ahead of me to meet deadline!
These are all great stories and I have a lot of work ahead of me to meet deadline!
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
The Life of a Writer
I know people who say they are bored. As a writer, I do not even have enough time in the day. I am either interviewing for the paper, writing the article, or trying to work on my book. I wish I didnt have to sleep. Just think of what you could get done during those 7-8 hours. When I get a few moments, I go on twitter, facebook, my space, and blog so I can get my work out there. I read other young adult books to get a feel for what's out there. I'm glad that I am ADD because by the time you read the blogs on Jacketflap and see what the editors need, what you should have in a querie, post your own blog, go back to Twitter, send some tweets, check out the news of the day, go back to facebook, do more interviews for a story, write some the end of the day, you just feel such a great accomplishment. My husband comes home and he is like well what did you do all day? That is so funny. I know. It appears as if I did nothing, but let me tell you... Nobody would understand it unless you are a writer, but I wouldnt change it for anything!
I absolutely love it. I love being a journalist! It gives me opportunities, I never would have had. I meet many different kinds of people and they let me write their life stories. They let me into their homes and tell me very personal things entrusting me with very dear life experiences. One story always leads to another story. I am very blessed in that respect. I am a published author. Self-published. I am currently working on a young adult fiction and I have been trying to dig deep into the young adult books that are out there. I love young adult books! My kids, who are 14 and 13, of course love them, but I'm hooked!
Well, back to writing...
I absolutely love it. I love being a journalist! It gives me opportunities, I never would have had. I meet many different kinds of people and they let me write their life stories. They let me into their homes and tell me very personal things entrusting me with very dear life experiences. One story always leads to another story. I am very blessed in that respect. I am a published author. Self-published. I am currently working on a young adult fiction and I have been trying to dig deep into the young adult books that are out there. I love young adult books! My kids, who are 14 and 13, of course love them, but I'm hooked!
Well, back to writing...
Monday, February 9, 2009
alternative for dialysis patients
A piece I was able to do on home dialysis! Great alternative!
Homeless for a weekend
A piece I was able to do on a group of men who chose to be homeless to reach the homeless on the coldest weekend of the year.
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Super Bowl!
Was that a great game or what! Pittsburgh did an incredible job and I have never seen a 100 yard play before. Absolutely amazing! Great Super Bowl! Great Game! Great Sport!
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Monday, January 12, 2009
Some of my work
Women with breast cancer fight back
Restoring History
The mennonite community
Pictures I took for a story...
Kids with cancer
National Day of Prayer
Story about me...
Article about me on WKYC...
The Sinful Woman written by Ann Kagarise
Published 2005
Restoring History
The mennonite community
Pictures I took for a story...
Kids with cancer
National Day of Prayer
Story about me...
Article about me on WKYC...
The Sinful Woman written by Ann Kagarise
Published 2005
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