Writers have talked about where they like to write. I personally love to write at our local Borders. I love to drink coffee, coffee, and more coffee. It is only 50 cents for a refill. I love being surrounded by people, but being so zoned out that I dont even notice them...lol. No, really, there are times that I really dont even remember that I'm there. I find myself in this writing mode and do not even notice that the person sitting across from me is staring at me. As soon as I look up, they look away as if they were looking out the window or at another person in deep thought. I love being surrounded by books while I'm writing a book. I go into the Young Adult section and look around. I read some of the works of published authors and get a feel for what is out there. I absolutely love YA books. My kids read them, but I steal their books to catch a peek.
I have a 'desk' set up in my house just for my writing, but I have found that no matter where I am, if you just give me a computer, I'm good. I can settle for a pen and paper, but that doesnt last long. I'm spoiled.