As a journalist and photographer, I have found that we can make a huge impact on the world for the better. I am all about trying to capture the heart and change the world with the written word and the lens.
Ann Kagarise Photography
Ann Kagarise Photography
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
I dont know about you...
but I am very much into American Idol. I absolutely cannot wait to find out what Adam is going to do the next week. I even got American Idol tickets for when they go on tour. My girls dont know it yet...shhhh...but they will be so excited. More people vote for American Idol contestants than they do the president of the United States. There is more excitement behind this and other reality shows than what our government is doing. I find that scary, but then again, like I told a friend of mine, that is why I choose to lose my self in a young adult book or watch the cartoon channel. Go to the days of my youth and forget about the craziness of what is going on outside by window. I choose to believe that the Flinstones are in charge and that the biggest problem we have is Wile E Coyote is still chasing Road Runner. I think I just saw that cat run after Tweetie...Wouldnt that be a great So, I watch American Idol and read and write adult books and help take people away, even for a short time