I am very honored to have the job of a journalist. Today, I spoke with a woman whose daughter died at the age of 3 from brain cancer. She is allowing me to tell her story. She exemplified so much strength. She turned it around and is helping other families whose kids have cancer. I am also doing another story on a house for those who have been diagnosed with cancer. A doctor had passed away from the disease and family and friends decided to set up a house with emotional and spiritual support. They have counseling, and groups for kids, crafts, and activities. I spent last week with veterans who completely put up a wall for Vietnam Vets. The wall is 125 feet long and complete granite with more the the 3095 names who died in the war. They are working around the clock getting the wall up for veternas and their families to come for closure. I was able to do an article on a boy who is paralyzed. The family is a pillar of strength and the boy has so much hope. People have stepped up from all over to help the boy.
I was stopped by a couple people in the last week, thanking me for the artcles that I write. There is so much bad news out there, it is really nice to report the good stories. There really is a lot of good happening out there. The stories need to be told more.
Thanks for reading!