What a day! What a sight! 7000 bikers. One Cause!
As a journalist and photographer, I have found that we can make a huge impact on the world for the better. I am all about trying to capture the heart and change the world with the written word and the lens.
Ann Kagarise Photography
Ann Kagarise Photography
Friday, May 29, 2009
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Back at the wall
I went back to the Ohio Vietnam Wall today. I looked around and what a sight! People. People. and more people. What a sight to see. Motorcyclists filed in and filled the park. There were so many people who came into to see the great Ohio monument! Ohio has really added a great memorial. Memorial Wall people, who put this together, Chell, Ken, and the others...I salute you!!!
Friday, May 22, 2009
Monday, May 18, 2009
Radio show
Number 3. I have now been on the radio three times. That is so much fun. It is all about the cause though. I talked to the people from the Vietnam Wall Memorial in Ohio and we are getting a book together with all the proceeds going to the Wall. They need to build a reflecting pool and thats it. We need to do it! So, I will help. The cool thing is, Matt Patrick from our local radio show is going to help too. So, we need to get on the ball with this. Like yesterday! hopefully we find the right people who can help!!! Pray!
Sunday, May 17, 2009
God moving
I always say I have the best job in the world because I consider myself on the frontlines of stories because I am a reporter. People take me into their lives at their most vulnerable times. I am able to write the story in a way that reaches the heart and people respond. God does it. It is not me. I want to make that clear right from the start. I dont think it is anything I do except for the fact that I am a willing vessel to write the words that God wants me to. He gives me the storeis that he wants me to have and I watch him move all the time! I am very thankful! I found out today that a story I was involved in writing, touched a church and they responded. They voted and gave a generous amount of money to this family. That is what it is all about! I am very thankful and blessed to be a part of such experiences. I thank God every day for using me!
An Amazing experience
I spent the day with Vietnam Vets from all over the country. Most of them were from the heartland, but they rode in from all over on motorcycles. I have over 180 pictures showing this incredible experience. Men who had never been honored, were. Women whose sons died in the war were able to speak for them, cry for their death, and kneel by a statue dedicated in their name. A wall with 3095 names engraved on it became a reality today for so many. A sea of leather and motorcycles lined the streets in Clinton, Ohio. A town known for not too much. Maybe the Ohio Erie Canal that runs through, but other than that, not a whole lot. This town came together on this beautiful blue skied day and paid tribute to those fallen so we can have the country that we have today. They had noses snubbed at them and mothers were not given the respect to be told face to face that their son had been killed in combat. Those days are gone. Those in the Iraq/Afghanistan war are treated much differently, but partly due to those who have gone before. Those from the Vietnam War came home and decided that nobody would ever be treated the way they were. I was in awe and I looked over the acres of those full of tattoos, long hair, and leather and I knew that those were the ones who came home. They were willing ot die for us, but they did come home and all of them say they would do it again. All of them. If they were asked to go back today, they would. We need to give them the honor they deserve!
Saturday, May 16, 2009

Tweak is an incredible book written by, author, Nic Sheff. He, and his father, David, have written books about Nic's addiction to Meth. His journey has been a roller coaster ride. Nic allows the reader to go into his journey on the streets of addiction and personally witness his pain, suffering, and self-mutiliation. He does things he never would have done clean. He allowed himself to be less than human for a drug. It is a long book, but worth the read. My 14-year-old read it and absolutely loved it. She could not put it down and said all teens should read this to know what drugs can do. I will definitely go back to parts of this book. He takes a person into his therapy and what he needed to do to grow, heal, and face some deep, deep issues. If you would like to know more about Nic Sheff, go to http://www.nicsheff.com/. He has a new blog that you can follow about his every day recovery.
Boy from the Basement

I just finished listening to the audiobook by Susan Shaw. I have not been able to read it because I am either writing or mowing, etc., but I couldn't stop listening. This is a book that takes you into the life of a child that was kept in a basement for 12 years and did not even know what a birthday was. He did not know his age and was scared to death of the outside. He did not know what Christmas or Thanksgiving was and what it meant to be in a family. It is a must read! I absolutely loved how Susan Shaw went into the mind of this child!
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
I dont know about you...
but I am very much into American Idol. I absolutely cannot wait to find out what Adam is going to do the next week. I even got American Idol tickets for when they go on tour. My girls dont know it yet...shhhh...but they will be so excited. More people vote for American Idol contestants than they do the president of the United States. There is more excitement behind this and other reality shows than what our government is doing. I find that scary, but then again, like I told a friend of mine, that is why I choose to lose my self in a young adult book or watch the cartoon channel. Go to the days of my youth and forget about the craziness of what is going on outside by window. I choose to believe that the Flinstones are in charge and that the biggest problem we have is Wile E Coyote is still chasing Road Runner. I think I just saw that cat run after Tweetie...Wouldnt that be a great world...lol. So, I watch American Idol and read and write adult books and help take people away, even for a short time
Monday, May 11, 2009
Cancer center love and a robbery all in one day
I spent the morning at a facility that helps individuals who have been touched by cancer. They started it around a kitchen table and now it is a 8000 square foot organization that changes lives. They help children and adults who have been impacted by the disease. The woman who told me about it had brain cancer and her husband died of brain cancer. Yes, they actually had the same cancer. Strange. Makes you wonder. Anyway, the lady I am speaking about was given a couple years to live and she is still here, seven years later. She is very active as a volunteer at the cancer center I am talking about. There were tears, hope, and healing. I was very blessed to interview them today.
I left there, to interview some individuals who were robbed. A man just came into their store with a knife and took very little money. A friend of mine stated to me that our economy is going to lead to more crimes like this. I did hear a report that more people are committing crimes. People who were hard working regular family type people. Not the normal type of person who would do a crime like that. I just dont understand why someone, no matter what condition they are in, would take from another and especially do it in fear. I alway ask my kids when they take something that doesnt belong to them, "Was it yours?" "Did you ask?" Then dont touch it. Maybe somebody didnt tell this man this boundary growing up.
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Family adopts Ukraine girls
A great mother's day story
Friday, May 8, 2009
I am currently reading the book, Tweak, by Nic Sheff. An incredible writer who is not afraid to show who he really is. As an addict/alcoholic, myself, I really appreciate his honesty and am challenged to be just as transparent. So many times, we are afraid to show people who we really are. Especially at church. I call it the Sunday morning parking lot wave. We are arguing or putting ourselves together all the way to church, but as soon as we hit that parking lot, we assume the parking lot wave that could it is also very similar to one on a queen's float or someone who has just been crowned Miss America. We put our masks on and go into the church building. We sing the songs. We listen to the preacher. We socialize with those we want to, then we leave arguing all the way home. Are we being real? Are we being real to God? Who are we really? How do we want others to see us. You know, we all argue. We all have issues. We all have a history. And Im not sure which one of us has the most baggage, but im pretty sure, it is me...lol. All I know is none of us is without sin. Im pretty sure that it says that somewhere in the Bible. Im very thankful for those who are real!
The good news is out there
I am very honored to have the job of a journalist. Today, I spoke with a woman whose daughter died at the age of 3 from brain cancer. She is allowing me to tell her story. She exemplified so much strength. She turned it around and is helping other families whose kids have cancer. I am also doing another story on a house for those who have been diagnosed with cancer. A doctor had passed away from the disease and family and friends decided to set up a house with emotional and spiritual support. They have counseling, and groups for kids, crafts, and activities. I spent last week with veterans who completely put up a wall for Vietnam Vets. The wall is 125 feet long and complete granite with more the the 3095 names who died in the war. They are working around the clock getting the wall up for veternas and their families to come for closure. I was able to do an article on a boy who is paralyzed. The family is a pillar of strength and the boy has so much hope. People have stepped up from all over to help the boy.
I was stopped by a couple people in the last week, thanking me for the artcles that I write. There is so much bad news out there, it is really nice to report the good stories. There really is a lot of good happening out there. The stories need to be told more.
Thanks for reading!
I was stopped by a couple people in the last week, thanking me for the artcles that I write. There is so much bad news out there, it is really nice to report the good stories. There really is a lot of good happening out there. The stories need to be told more.
Thanks for reading!
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