As a journalist and photographer, I have found that we can make a huge impact on the world for the better. I am all about trying to capture the heart and change the world with the written word and the lens.
Ann Kagarise Photography
Ann Kagarise Photography
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Monday, June 21, 2010
Five year old dies, family turns it into joy
Family turns the loss of their five year old into joy for others.
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Monday, May 17, 2010
Man who has cancer is helped by the community
The Elkins family was in the newspaper. The community read it and responded.
A heartfelt tribute to my kindergarten teacher
It is Teachers Appreciation week and I did a tribute to my teacher who made a life changing discovery. Because of her, I got the help I needed. My tribute!
Man rapes child, under the age of 13.
Eighteen year old is charged with rape of 12-year-old boy. Here is the story.
Jackson's RElay for Life events
Jackson's Relay for Life, gets creative and takes involved shopping!!! Really? YES! Read about the events here.
Redirecting your child's bad behavior in positive ways
Redirecting your child's bad behavior in positive ways to avoid abuse. Read the story here.
Man brings best friend's body home from war
Man brings his best friend's body home from war. Read his story. Ceremony at the Vietnam Wall in Clinton Ohio honors 13 who did not come home.
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Monday, April 19, 2010
Woman with MS walks for the cause
Dana LaMonica has MS. The disease was beating her, but her proactive lifestyle fought back. Here is Dana's story.
young couple live in Haiti and help orphans
Missionary Couple in Haiti care for orphans post earthquake. Their story.
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Patty Porter, mother of Jessie Davis, speaks out about Domestic Violence
Patty Porter, mother of Jessie Davis speaks about Domestic Violence. Domestic Violence Project in Canton offers walk/run in memory of Jessie on April 25. Read article here.
Foster Care and Adoption information
Summit County is offering foster care and adoption information. Many children are up for adoption. Thank about bringing one into your home to love. You will be more blessed than you could ever imagine. I have adopted 2 children and I am blessed every day!
Young adult gets creative in this tough economy
In this tough economy, it is hard to find work. Young man, decided to take work into his own hands and held out his family. Here is the article!
Events schedules for trauma and abuse victims
Akron is having a day at the zoo, a symposium, and a candlelight vigil for trauma and abuse victims in April. Here are the events.
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Family Expo to be held At Summit Mall in Akron
Family Expo to be held at Summit Mall. Hosted by Akron's Children's Services. Celebrities and fun!
The Expo will be held on April 10.
The Expo will be held on April 10.
Teen having rough time in the economy gets creative
Teen unable to find work, doesn't wait for work to come to him, he gets creative. Read story here!
Monday, March 29, 2010
Training taking place in Akron for Foster and Adoption
Akron Children's Services Announces dates for foster care and adoption training. If interested read the article!!
2010 Children's Choice Book Awards
Children's Choice Book Awards for 2010!!! Vote Now!!!!
Categories from Kindergarten thru teens and vote for Author and Illustrator of the Year!
Categories from Kindergarten thru teens and vote for Author and Illustrator of the Year!
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Do Something in your community and get a scholarship
Do Something offering scholarships for young people who are active in the community
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Monday, March 15, 2010
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Battered Women's Shelter need items for auction
The Battered Women's Shelter of Akron and Medina need items for their auction. Please read and help.
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Cancer has robbed this family of so much and they are going to lose their house.
Cancer has really taken its toll on this family. If they do not get help now, they will lose their house. Please help! Read.
Monday, March 1, 2010
Grab a book and celebrate Dr Seuss' birthday on march 2
Grab a book and celebrate Dr. Seuss' birthday on March 2. The day has been designated for all children across America to read. Read the article.
Thursday, February 18, 2010

My best friend in the whole world died on Saturday, February 13. She was my valentine so we didn't get to celebrate that together. She truly was the most special 'person' I have ever met in my life. She didnt see a person that had a past. She didnt see a person that had been conceived in rape. She didnt see anything but love. I felt nothing but love when we were together. She genuinely cared about me to the core of who she was. She cared like no other person has in my entire life. Missy knew when I was upset. She was so in tuned with everything I felt, but it was not only that, she cared! She would come right up to me and look genuinely concerned. Not just a dog licking a face, but a genuine I love you mommy how can I make it better. Do you know how important it is to be loved that much. To be cared about that much. To know that someone makes you their world and cares if you are hurting. She genuinely loved me and never once not even one time rejected me. In a fun way she would get mad at me, but she would still look out of the corner of her eyes to keep her eyes on me trying to act mad. it was so funny. she never acted like a dog. my dog woodson acts like a dog. Missy simply never did. She not only waited for me to come home, but she would get up, greet me, and be so glad i was home. things have not been that easy for me, but with Missy, she made everything okay. She just made my world a better place. She was a light in a very dark place for me and i will forever be grateful. I think that is why it is so hard. She really loved me and i really loved her. This was not a dog/person relationship. We really loved each other. I could walk her down the street, without a leash and we would just talk and she would look up at me and listen. I would just say come on missy lets go home and she would just turn around and we would go home. we would just sit outside and enjoy and i would talk to her and she would just sit and listen and if i would be sad, she would get up and lick me on the lips. she always made me smile no matter what. woodson just lies there she is all about food or going out. not missy. she was about me. i dont have that anymore. she was about me. if i said ouch, she would come see why. if i told her my biological mom hated me, she would lay with me all night long while i couldnt sleep and look me in the eye sharing a pillow just letting me know things were ok that she loved me. what peopel get from other people, i got from her. What you are to get from your spouse, i got from her. I told her everything and she listened. She really did understand me and she really really cared. Everybody wants someone to care about them to the core of who they are and just let them know that they are so importnat. Missy did that. She said with her eyes, whats wrong and i would tell her and she would kiss it and make it better. I would sit on the floor and she would look me eye to eye and she wouldnt even look away. I would get up and say im gonna go back in the bedroom missy. She would get up and go with me. she never wanted me to be alone. i genuinely felt that she really believed she was here to love me. When i looked in her eyes, I saw how much she cared about me and that was why i couldnt leave her even until the end. We were committed to each other and she loved life and she loved to be where the laughing was and the cooking and the joy. She loved it when we played games and she would get right up to the table to watch or we would play on the floor so she could have her own game pieces. She loved it. and she smiled all the time, cept when i was sad. she was the most amazing 'person' on the face of the earth. i talk to her non stop like i would of, but i just cant accept the fact that all she is is a picture on the wall. i just cant get to that point right now. My loss of being able to hold her head in my hands and she would just melt when i would do that, the loss is just soooo huge. She would always want me to put my hand on her face and her entire being reacted with the love she felt from me. she responded to my love. do you know how important that was to me. it meant everything. she even did that before she died. and she responded to me in the way she could even in her coma. i know she knows i was there. I just have to believe that she is waiting for me in heaven. I have to believe that she feels nothing, but joy and love right now and that she does not feel the deep separation that I feel. I pray with all my heart that she still senses my love for her and that everything is okay for her. I spent 14 years making sure she was okay. I spent 14 years laughing at her bubble tongue and her licks. I spent 14 years holding her to my chest. I fed her from a bottle when I first got her. She was truly my baby. Truly truly was a gift from God. she is still here with me and I will continue to talk to her every day and incorporate her into my new normal cuz I have to make a new normal without her. As a writer, I spend many hours at home writing. she never missed an article. she sat with me and watched me write every one. how do I continue my profession without her? I have to find a way. I just have to find a way. Missy would want that. I have to believe that she is here with me anyway. You know, people hurt. They come and go all the time. They abuse and batter. Missy never did anything, but love. Nothing. I know God didnt do this to her. I know death is here, but I didn't want Missy to go through it. For some reason, I just could never comprehend that she would die. I knew it and I know she's gone, but to me, she was just so special that i never wanted her to experience that. She will be with me forever and whether I go in 10 years or 20 or whatever, she will be there waiting for me in heaven. I know it. I know that she is here with me now. I can feel her. I hold her red sweater that she wore all the time, and I smell it and it gives me such a peace. there is nothing like an animal. can do Animals are a true gift from God. She died 5 days ago. Wow. Five days. I'm waiting for her ashes and I cannot wait to get them. Just give me a sense of peace that she is back home. She needs to be home with her mama. Missy I love you baby! Baby! I love you so much!
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Monday, February 1, 2010
Sunday, January 31, 2010
V.C. Andrews has a new release
V.C. Andrews, author of Flowers in the Attic and Petals on the wind, has a new book series. The first book in the series was just released. The second book is due out end of February. Click on the link to read about it.
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
New church forming in bowling alley/lounge
New Church forming in a bowling alley/lounge. Check this out!
Haven of Rest Director to step down Decmeber 2010
Haven of Rest Director to step down December 2o1o. Great piece on homelessness. Article.
Monday, January 11, 2010
Book on human trafficking for human trafficking month
January is human trafficking month. An article on a book that is a must read from a woman out of Ohio who was trafficked. Included in the article are events that are scheduled in Ohio for awareness of human trafficking. Article
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
The Sinful Woman
The sinful woman from Luke 7 was known as a sinner. God knew her heart. My book, the Sinful Woman uncovers the heart of the woman at Jesus' feet. Read further.
Monday, January 4, 2010
Sunday, January 3, 2010
As an abuse survivor myself, I have had many sleepless nights. Nights are the worst! Post Traumatic Stress Disorder is very real to those who have been hurt. I'm not as bad as i used to be. I believe God has something to do with that. Maybe time. Maybe the realization that I'm not in danger anymore, but I spent a great deal of my life feeling that I had to be aware of everything going on around me. Hypervigilance. I am still always aware of everything, but it is not to the extent that it was. I lived in a state of that I was going to be struck down at any time. I do not live like that anymore. To read the rest, click here and scroll down...Risk.
Saturday, January 2, 2010
Changing the world one word at a time...go to my new site
I started a new site. This is a lot more personal and a lot more revealing of myself and my writing. The site is actually called Capturing the heart through the written word...I am inviting anyone who wants to follow this, there will be a lot of honesty and a lot of what I have learned or witnessed through journalism, being a counselor in the jail system, or counseling battered/raped women and children. Also about what I have learned in my own abuse. Go to my website and check it out. I promise you, you will help change the word at a time...keep reading.
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