Ann Kagarise Photography

Ann Kagarise Photography
Ann Kagarise Photography

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

A writer without a tape recorder

I have never looked 10 hours for anything in my life...but my tape recorder. My digital tape recorder is a part of my life blood. A writer without her tape recorder is like a dentist without a drill or a swimmer without water. I guess I could have resorted to chalk and pavement or slate and rock, but I really did not want to. What drove me the most was the fact that I had three interviews on there that I desperately needed. I finally gave up and went out and bought another one, but to my old tape's on! I will find you and hunt you down. You will be mine!

Give the gift of love during this holiday season

Give the gift of a book. Give the gift of love! Make a difference in a child's life. Link.

A story of love and adoption

November is Adoption Awareness Month

Great Holiday Story

Great story for the Holidays! Hannah's Socks!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

My second book I'm writing

I have been working on my second book, Shadow. I wrote several pages today and it just flowed! I'm so excited about this young adult fiction novel! It is a huge part of me! I cannot wait until it gets picked up. It reads very similar to a lot of books that are out there, but yet it is very unique! I have already written the query and am praying that it does get picked up. I have been going into our local Borders. I go right to the young adult section and picture my book there. I really believe in this book!

Using writing for God's purposes

I have been writing and interviewing around the clock. I am very thankful for the opportunities that come my way. This week I was able to view adoptions, interview the Executive director of Children's services, the executive director of Haven of Rest, the people from Joshua's Mission, and Stigma. I am very blessed to have so many connections and God is opening up more and more doors all the time. I might have the chance to write a column for Joshua's Mission. I would absolutely love to do this because if I can help in the fight against human trafficking, even on a small scale, I will be so humbled! I also have the opportunity to go to DC with other fellow rape conceived people. I am just excited about all the opportunities I am given as a writer. I would not have these if God did not allow me to be in this position. I am very thankful! I hope that I am able to help in any way I can!
Oprah's new book club reveals human trafficking.

Thursday, November 12, 2009